- Protection from harm (to meet safety and security needs). Prioritize workplace physical and psychological safety. Enable adequate rest. Normalize and support mental health. Operationalize DEI norms, policies, and programs.
- Connection and community (to meet needs of social support and belonging). Create cultures of inclusion and belonging. Cultivate trusted relationships. Foster collaboration and teamwork.
- Work-life harmony (to meet needs for autonomy and flexibility). Provide more autonomy over how work is done. Make schedules as flexible and predictable as possible. Increase access to paid leave. Respect boundaries between work and non-work time.
- Mattering at work (to meet needs of dignity and meaning). Provide a living wage. Engage workers in workplace decisions. Build a culture of gratitude and recognition. Connect individual work with organizational mission.
- Opportunity for growth (to meet learning and accomplishment needs). Offer quality training, education, and mentoring. Foster clear, equitable pathways for career advancement. Ensure relevant, reciprocal feedback.
Download a free pdf of the National Plan for Health Workforce Well-Being by the National Academy of Medicine (NAM).
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